When You Should Replace Your Locks

East Point Transponder Keys

If you have heard of break-ins in your neighborhood, you might be wondering whether it is time to have your locks changed.

  1. Break-ins – This is the most logical reason to have your locks changed. If someone has broken into your home, your locks have been compromised. If you do not want someone else to come along and break-in again, have your locks changed immediately. This would also be a good time to allow a locksmith to evaluate your locks. There might be other locks that have been compromised.
  2. Worn locks – If you have moved into a home that has the original locks, there is a chance that the locks are worn. You may not realize this until your key is no longer working. When your locks are old and rusted, they may become inoperable. This is certainly a good time to have your locks changed. You may not readily recognize the problem because you are eventually able to get the lock to work. However, if you are experiencing this problem, just realize that this is a sign of the lock being worn and that it is in your best interest to have the locks replaced.
  3. Stolen Keys/Lost Keys – When you have your keys stolen, your life and that of your family are in jeopardy. The best thing to do is to change your home’s locks to ensure no unauthorized entry. Losing your keys is not hard to do, it is finding them again that is the hard part. So rather than driving yourself crazy trying to find out where your keys are, just do the safe thing and have the locks replaced. It will give you peace-of-mind and allow you to sleep at night.
  4. New Tenant – When you own a property and you have new people moving in and out, it is best to have the locks replaced to avoid any liability for lost of stolen property. This seems like something that is pretty logical but you might be surprised to find out just how many homeowners fail to do this basic thing when renting to a new tenant.
  5. Someone Moves Out – If you had a roommate that has moved out, regardless of whether they moved on good terms with you, you should still have your locks replaced. We have seen far too many problems when a roommate moves and there is another key floating around. The other roommate comes back to collect something that they claim is theirs and it wasn’t theirs. Perhaps they have given a key to someone else and that person comes into your home without your knowledge. This is something that you don’t want to occur and that is why it is in your best interest to go ahead and give us a call at East Point Locksmith to change your locks for you today.

Read more on https://www.eastpointlocksmith.net/news/when-you-should-replace-your-locks.html

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